Holiday Greeting Card [Ed. 001] by out.o studio

Compliments, inside jokes, greetings, and notes of gratefulness…the ARVAM holiday greeting cards are out!

  • As an international company with a HQ in China, we're gearing up for an extended holiday season, culminating in the celebration of the Lunar New Year in February 2024. Rather than a routine email holiday greeting, we've decided to embark on a new initiative and mini experiment. Starting this year, we will be sending out physical postcards featuring a commissioned artwork by a female artist or artists. The goal is to create something more tangible and lasting than a email, with the hope that recipients will cherish and even display them.

    These unique postcards won't be limited to clients, friends, and collaborators; we're extending them to brands, designers, and studios we admire as well. It's a gesture of appreciation while also a hope to shine a spotlight on the talents of remarkable artists we commission. We hope that this experiment becomes a long-term tradition, fostering connections and opportunities within the creative community. If you're one of the recipients this year, anticipate receiving your postcard before the end of January, just in time for the Lunar New Year festivities. ✌️

The first edition is designed by out.o studio, a studio helmed by two twin sisters in Beijing. Read on to find out more about them and their design.

out.o studio on their design:

“Time is the most illusory illusion in the human mind, but it can give us a stronger "touch" when any node planned by humans is approaching. The rotation of the twelve-month year breaks our perception of time more clearly into sections of increasing velocity. Taking the speed and slowness of time as the starting point of the concept of postcards, in another cycle, we move with the flow of time, still moving, moving, moving.”

“时间是人脑中最虚妄的幻觉,却能在任何一个人类拟定的节点将至时带给我们更强烈的“触感”。以十二个月为周期的年的更替,将我们对时间的感知更清晰的拆分为流速递增的节。以时间的快与慢作为2024年卡片概念的原点,在又一次的周而复始中,我们随时间的流速移动,still moving,moving,moving.”

About out.o studio:

out.o studio is a graphic design studio based in Beijing, China. They provide design services such as brand identity design, packaging design, event key visual design, printed publications, etc.; working to discover the brand's delicate emotions and deep logical appeals, and find appropriate visual solutions for it.

Since its establishment in 2018, out.o studio's works have won or been shortlisted in a number of design awards in China and abroad, including Tokyo TDC, New York TDC, Award360, Graphic Design in China, etc., and have been selected in design books and magazines such as Asia Pacific Design Yearbook and BranD magazine.

At the same time, because of their love for paper and printing, they also own a RISO printing studio-FinePress to present more possibilities for paper products.

out.o studio是一家平面设计工作室,坐标北京。主线提供品牌识别设计、包装设计、活动视觉设计、印刷出版物等设计服务;发现品牌细腻的情感和深层逻辑诉求,为其找到适宜的视觉解法。副线产出设计杂志《Reference参考》及纸质周边,以更多生活观察和思辨过程反馈到设计当中。

 自2018年成立以来,out.o studio 的作品荣获或入围国内外多项设计奖项,包括东京TDC,纽约TDC,Award360,GDC等,入选亚太设计年鉴及Brand等设计类书籍杂志。同时出于对纸张及印刷的喜爱,也拥有一间RISO印刷工作室-FinePress,以呈现纸品更多可能性。

Want to work with them? Get in touch with them here:

out.o studio
Instagram: outo_studio
Official wechat: graphic_outo
Xiaohongshu: out.o studio

The Process

Images and studio text provided by out.o studio


ARVAM Mixtapes: Vol. 2


Introducing our Holiday Greeting Card initiative